Tempo FAQs


Tempo FAQs


Tempo FAQs


Viewers start to notice re-timing beyond approximately 7%, particularly when watching people who may appear to walk or talk unnaturally quickly. Telestream recommends re-timing by no more than 7% and the software has a hard limit of 10% for this reason.

With the first release, Tempo is tuned specifically for live action content; CGI or graphics may exhibit noticeable visual artifacts. Telestream recommends only retiming sections of your program which include live action; a future release will address this.

Tempo is a fully integrated service within the Vantage Media Processing platform. It integrates seamlessly with transcoding, file delivery, analysis, QC and other Vantage functions as part of a Vantage workflow.

No. Tempo leverages next-generation retiming algorithms that are extremely compute intensive. Tempo requires the Telestream Lightspeed K80 Server to ensure sufficient hardware resources for retiming.

Yes, but the other server must be a Telestream Lightspeed K80.